The new Marina, an up-to-date, safe and well equipped marina, is located in a particularly attractive bay of the port of Brindisi, protected by the Forte a Mare peninsula, a majestic monumental complex of the XV century.
All commercial activities, the bar and the restaurant, the nautical club and other activities all face onto the small square which is the real heart of the Marina. The slipway with a large yard and the sheds for maintenance and technical assistance complete the services provided by the port.
The geographical location of the Marina of Brindisi is especially interesting and navigation does not present any particular dangers.
In fact, this part of the coast is one of the most beautiful and rich fishing zones of the Mediterranean. The Marina is the natu¬ral base to reach the most beautiful destinations in Croatia or Greece, or to discover the coasts of Montenegro and Albania. Remaining on the same coastline, the Italian alternatives (Otranto, Santa Maria di Leuca, Gallipoli and the Ionic Apulia) are easier to reach but just as spectacular. If the sea offers a lot, the land is no exception. You can also choose short-, medium- and long-haul routes, enjoying landscape, architecture and local wines and food.
The city has always been a place where very different people, cultures and traditions meet and today the Marina is a melting pot of cultures, colours and history.
The Marina
Description: The new Marina of Brindisi is located in the most sheltered and protected creek of the commercial port, called Seno di Bocca di Puglia, between St.Andrew Island and Forte a Mare castle, in Porto medio. Berths:638 from 6m up to 35m; Access time: Always open.
Access: All vessels coming to the port have to make contact at least 30 minutes before arrival via VHF channels 08 and 16, infor¬ming them about expected time of arrival, type of vessel, name and nationality of the ship, origin and draught. All vessels lea¬ving dock have prio¬rity over those ente¬ring the port, which have to wait in the transit basin. Access is between the Forte a Mare breakwater and the Costa Morena breakwater (Porto Medio entrance).
Useful information
- Coordinates: 40° 39’,50 N – 17°57’,95 E
- Headlitghts and Taillights: 3644 (E 2204) — green light flashing every 3 sec. visible up to 5 miles from the top of Forte a Mare breakwater; up to 7 miles away from the top of Costa Morena breakwater.
- Seabed: Muddy, Draught at berths from 3 to 11 metres.
- Radio: VHF channels 08 and 16
- Prevailing wind: Mistral.
- Onshore wind: Scirocco